An inadequate daily intake of water can cause a range of symptoms. Many of these are at times overlooked as symptoms of other conditions when water is the actual cause. Not drinking enough water causes problems throughout the entire body. Many of these issues will ease up when you up the amount of water you drink each day. Up to twelve glasses of water are the recommended daily intake, with eight being the least.
1. Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of not drinking enough water. Dehydration manifests in a range of different forms. Yet a drinking mouth is the number one sign that you need to up your water intake. Increase the amount of water that you drink each day and you will clear up and signs of dry mouth. Thus alleviating the irritation that accompanies the dryness of your mouth and throat. Water supplies the lubrication needed by your mouth & throat. You need enough water to hydrate your mucous membranes. Not drinking enough water can also result in bad breath, dryness of mouth and allows bacteria to breed easier.
2. Headaches
Headaches form as a result of not drinking enough water due to the brain needing a lot of fluids to function. Brain fog and headaches are clear signs that you need more water. A lack of enough fluids causes headaches to form spontaneously. They often persist throughout the day and often appear to have no known cause. Headaches caused by dehydration are due to a lack of adequate blood and oxygen flow to the brain. The brain then shrinks and pulls away from your skull, causing a headache.
3. Dark Urine
Your urine should not display any form of discolouration. It should not display any yellowing or darkness. Any discolouration is thus a clear sign that you need to be drinking more water on a daily basis. A healthy body, backed by the proper intake of liquids and vitamins, will produce clear urine. Dark urine contains fewer fluids and more solid compounds. Thus showing that you need to drink more water. Having discoloured urine over a long period of time can show more serious health concerns. It is critical that you drink enough water to ensure good health. If you find that you do not urinate often enough, that is a clear sign of dehydration as well.
4. Dizziness
Dizziness is often an indicator of not taking in enough water due to the effect it has on the brain. This is at times known as vertigo, which usually follows a headache. Vertigo is often followed by nausea. Both are signs of not drinking enough water. A failure to re-hydrate the system after exercise can also cause dizziness. When performing any strenuous activities, it is always best to drink enough water. If you experience a bout of dizziness, wait for it to pass and drink a glass of water.

5. Not Drinking Enough Water Causes Hunger
The next time that you experience a craving out of the blue, turn to a glass of water. You may find your hunger subside due to many hunger pangs just being dehydration setting in. One’s thirst is often mistaken for hunger, causing one to take in extra calories. This is due to mild hunger triggers feeling similar to a craving for water. Without adequate water intake, the mucus on your stomach weakens. This allows stomach acid to do a large amount of damage to your insides. This is what causes conditions such as indigestion and heartburn.

6. Frequent Sleeping
If you feel your focus slipping, or are feeling lethargic in the middle of the day, you may be dehydrated. Not drinking enough water often causes unexplained fatigue, during inappropriate times of the day. Lethargy should set in around bedtime, not halfway through the day or during the late afternoon. When your body lacks water, it uses water from your blood. This causes an oxygen deficiency which is the root cause of lethargy and fatigue. Instead of going for a cup of coffee, rather try a glass of water and see if you get the kick that you’re looking for.
7. Dry Skin
Dry skin at times results from inadequate water consumption, causing a lack of moisturization. A lack of water in the body causes many functions to fail or suffer. Dry skin is a common symptom of dehydration and is also one of the first signs to arise. If you notice cracks forming, or areas of dryness, make sure to drink more water throughout the day. A lack of water degrades the elasticity of your skin. This thus causes itchiness, rashes and shrivelling. To test the elasticity of your skin, pinch it into a fold. The skin should ‘bounce back’ when pinched.
8. Not Drinking Enough Water Affects Blood Pressure
The average healthy blood pressure is 120 over 80, but this does vary from person to person. If you notice an increase in blood pressure, it may be a sign from your heart telling you that you need more water. Not drinking enough water often causes a spike in blood pressure due to the body holding sodium. A lack of water can also cause a drop in blood pressure as well. If water is the cause you will notice a balancing of your blood pressure about an hour after drinking water due to the time it takes your metabolism. Pure filtered water is optimal, while at least eight glasses a day is necessary.
9. Chronic Thirst
There is no clearer sign that your body needs water than a constant thirst. If you are thirsty during most of the day, or if your mouth is always dry, you need to drink more water. Most thirst is not quenched by soft drinks, coffee or alcohol. Anything other than water typically provides temporary relief to thirst. The next time that you are thirst, make the logical choice and drink a glass of water. In the majority of cases, you will notice your thirst subside. Water gives you the best hydration possible and is thus the only way to keep yourself well hydrated.
